This HD adult sex adventure novel is all about crazy drama as always. This story is about survival in general, you see that the human race suffers from a blood disease that was unlocked in the genes many millennia ago and was killing humanity sometime after man’s 20th anniversary.

No specific time frame, just random and no indication that this will happen. Scientists quickly discovered that there was a so-called supreme lineage that was more immune to this blood disease that had engulfed this species. With the human population more than halved in the last 10 years, we needed to do something to save the species.

Then the Cynthian army came to power, with their technological advances and weapons, no one was able or in the mood to resist them. If anyone can think of a way to survive and carry on with the human race, it’s them. Well, in their design, they came up with the Royal Method of Reproduction, and their only duty is to make sure that we live and never go extinct.

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